Friday, June 15, 2007

Verse #2343

I could see him distinctly in the light of the moon.
His dark face seemed paler than marble.
His left eye twitched, perhaps to violently protest against what was about to happen.
It was then that I realized that it had all gone wrong.
Right before he pulled the trigger.....

Flash of a lifetime
Loss sifts through moonlit leaves
Haiku left behind.


Anonymous said...

Nice. But one syllable extra. The first line as 6. Not that it matters though. Just an observation.

Mo said...

Thanks. At least someone noticed: the verse and the syllable.

I usually write free verse. The discipline of counting syllables is hard.

Anonymous said...

Just one of those silly habits one picks up - the mere mention of the word haiku tends to trigger a counting exercise :)

Good verse though