Sunday, June 12, 2005

Angels and Demons

Image source:

I finished reading it. I wouldn't say it is mindblowing, but it is a good read. And I like the whole thing about Ambigrams (like the one on the right!), I am going to do some research on it, and maybe try creating one for my name.

What I find amusing about Dan Brown's writing is that, apart from being predictable, has also has a wierd way of throwing in trivia between his story. Imagine... you are deeply into the character and the clock is ticking, the bomb is about to are running out of time, you get the adrenaline rush... you want to run.. panic... act...

If Dan Brown had to narrate it, typically, the story would go like this:

The events of the night were playing in his mind like it was a lifetime. He could have never imagined how close he felt to her. He was on the verge of panic. He was choking on his own adrenaline. Adrenaline, he thought, from Latin ad+ renes... on the kidney.... He wondered how many people knew that. But, right now, he had no time, the clock was ticking!

Okay, bad example! Will fabricate a better one soon.


Sinfully Pinstripe said...

Oh my GOD was that hilarious.

Mo said...

Didn't you guys ever notice this?

ROhan said...

there is this site which generates an Ambigram of whatever u sumbit !!!

so search for that instead of wasting ur time by making one.